Motivation letter sample for a Consular Officer

Name and Surname of the Sender


Phone, email



Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


[Name of the Embassy]


[Name of the Contact person]

[Position of the contact person]




RE: Consular Officer in Consular office of the  [Country name]

Honorable _______ (Title and Surname),


With this letter I hereby apply the Consular Officer position in British Consulate in Amsterdam. I dare to say that I am a fresh and prospective graduate with seven years of work experience in public administration, gained whilst studying for my BA degree in the University of Sussex.


I meet all of the requirements and educational background needed to fill this position. Hence, I am ready to put my expertise to work for my country. I would also like to add that I meet requirements in regard to the ability to pass random drug testing and security clearance.


I went through visa issuing training, and I am fully familiar with paperwork involved In insuring the process is being done in accordance with the legislative framework of the United Kingdom. Moreover I have well developed research skills needed to verify declared facts in files in order to ensure eligibility of the potential applicants.

Two years ago I went through training to handle lost passports, missing travelers and to provide legal counseling to those in need, in a case of serious breach of domestic laws.

I would also like to say that I am good communicator, able to handle delicate situations in highly professional manner. I am goal oriented persons, always striving to meet deadlines and get things done. I am coping well under stress and enjoy working in dynamic teams.

Beside in English, I am fluent speaker of French and Dutch. I enjoy travel and missions abroad. Having in mind previous, I think I am quite suitable candidate for this position.
My professional references are available on request. You can contract for an interview on phone Nr. 000 – 000 00000.


Best regards,
Name Surname of the applicant

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