Motivation letter for master’s in social work sample

A Master in Social work gives you an opportunity to develop very interesting career in social sciences. Master programs in social work are today one of the most popular master degree programs and offered by many prestigious universities.

Having that in mind, we have prepared for you motivation letter because you will be definitely required to submit one with your application. The motivational letter we have drafted is for a Master in Social work offered by Tilburg University’s School of Social and Behavioural Sciences., however the sample may be easily adjusted for a similar master in social work offered by another University.

What has to be included in Motivation letter for Master in Social work?

Your motivation letter has to ensure that selection committee can find out everything relevant for studies about you. Therefore, within motivation letter for master in Social work, you should try to answers to all of the following questions:

  • How have you developed interest for social work?
  • How will studying a master in social work affect your career and what do you hope to attain?
  • Why this particular University is best for you?
  • Do you have required skills and competences to study master program in social work?

Try to answer to the all above questions and structure well your letter, by paying special attention to the grammar. Use short sentences and write in a clear and concise manner. Avoid repeating details from your resume and make more personal approach with the potential reader.

Sample motivation letter for master’s in social work

This letter was submitted for the Master degree program in Social work at the Tilburg University’s School of Social and Behavioural Sciences in the Netherlands. Even though letter is genuine, we have slightly modified it and personal data of the candidate.

Dear Sir, Madam

I am writing to express my profound interest in Master Degree program in Social Work offered by Tilburg University’s School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

With an honour’s degree in political science, I wish to broaden my academic knowledge of social and human sciences to family social work and gain practical knowledge in family protection. After careful review of program curriculum, I have realized that the courses offered fully suit my career goals. Lastly, the multi-disciplinary approach of programme is an excellent fashion to observe different standards of teaching, by diffusion of several academic disciplines.

I have been oriented towards the protection of human rights since the first year of my undergraduate studies in Belgrade. Group work and practical exercises during the Family relations course gave me an insight in logic and legal thinking in the field of family and children’s rights. Additionally, I gained modest experience outside the university, having completed my internship in local NGO fighting for the protection of children rights. I perceive it as a valuable experience due to my passion for helping vulnerable social groups. Furthermore, I have also prepared my Bachelor thesis in the field international standards governing protection of human and family rights. As the profile of the master’s degree in Social Work is highly international, I believe that graduation will bring me a step closer toward becoming a human rights defender in my community.

This is very important for me, having in mind the current state of human rights in my country, on the path of EU Accession. Even though policy documents promote gender equality, enforcement of equality remain poor. I am extremely interested to change that, and proper education is way toward this objective.

The opportunity to study in the programme would be a very significant contribution to my career. Furthermore, I plan to use learning outcomes in public administration and to serve as a driver of change. I am also interested in sharing gained knowledge and ideas with the volunteers and professionals in public administration and among international civil servants serving in my country.

Tilburg University’s mission of educating social workers who will be catalysts for sustainable change as well as scholars and leaders within the field resonates deeply with my professional and personal aspirations. I believe that my experience and drive will make me an asset to the Master program and will prepare me to make an impact upon the field of social work. Therefore, I look forward to speaking further about my interests and aspirations with the admissions panel.

Kind regards,

Mirjana Sekulich

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